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Covering with Hope

Monthly we receive hundreds of calls to our 24/7 Hope Line. Many callers are desperate looking for Hope in some of the scariest times of their life.

When Mary called The Hope Line, she was discouraged. After calling and searching for assistance, she thought her need would never be met.

After heavy winds and years of wear and tear, her roof began to demolish week by week. Without sufficient funds or proper insurance, she thought she would just have to settle with an unsafe covering.

While Marked For Life Ministries does not have the resources to help every caller, we strive to mobilize other resources in our County. When we heard Mary's need, we had to do something.

Through the help of Community Bussiness Partners, Community Churches, and Leaders, Mary's life was changed within several weeks.

Our community formed a team of heroes who drew out the building plans and made the project a reality. Her days of worry and concern are no longer a burden.

Being the hands and feet of Jesus takes the help of more than one organization. We are thrilled to partner with the hearts and compassion of so many great resources in DeKalb County. Together our County will never be left hopeless.

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Connect With Us
24/7 Hope Line: 888-789-HOPE (4673)
Marked For Life Ministries
Physical & Mailing Address: 917 Godfrey Ave S,

Fort Payne, AL 35967

DeKalb County Hope Center: Open Monday - Friday 10am-4pm 

 © Copyright 2023, Marked For Life Ministries is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity organization. All rights reserved.

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